Materion Teuluol

Mae ein Tîm Cyfraith Teulu yn cynnig gwasanaeth proffesiynol, hyblyg a phersonol, gan gynghori ar amrywiaeth o faterion cyfreithiol yn ymwneud â theuluoedd.

Gwyddom fod y teulu cyfoes wedi newid ac mae gennym brofiad o baratoi cytundebau Cynbriodasol a chytundebau Cyd-fyw, ac rydym yn cynnig gwasanaeth cyfryngu pwrpasol hefyd. Gallwn gynnig cyngor ymarferol i chi ar ddechrau eich bywyd newydd, neu os bydd eich priodas neu eich perthynas yn anffodus yn dod i ben.
Nid ydym ni yma i’ch barnu na gwneud penderfyniadau ar eich rhan, ond i’ch helpu i wneud penderfyniadau gwybodus mewn lleoliad cyfeillgar, cefnogol a phroffesiynol. Rydym yn credu mewn rhoi cyngor ymarferol ac adeiladol gan osgoi, i’r graddau y mae hynny’n bosibl, y drwgdeimlad sydd mor aml yn cymylu popeth arall pan fo rhywun yn gwahanu neu mewn amgylchiadau dirdynnol eraill.
Gwyddom hefyd mai’r plant a’u buddiannau nhw sydd bwysicaf.
Rydym yn arbenigo hefyd mewn dewis amgen newydd ar gyfer datrys achos yn hytrach na mynd i’r Llys, sef Cyfraith Gydweithredol. Ystyrir Cyfraith Gydweithredol fel modd o “ysgaru gydag urddas”.
Mae ein prisiau yn hyblyg a thryloyw ac maent yn amrywio o ddatrysiadau pwrpasol i brisiau penodol ar gyfer amgylchiadau lle nad oes cymhlethdod.
Partnership / Business Structure
One of the most important considerations should be the one who owns the assets and their relative value, and what happens when the partnership ends. It is easy to forget to consider how to get an agreement to an end when you are positive about the situation right now. JCP Rural Practice can advise on the most appropriate structure for your business, and help prepare the necessary legal documents.

Most farming businesses tend to have informal agreements verbally, but this is a dangerous strategy. For example, if you do not have a written partnership agreement, it is possible for any Partner to terminate the Partnership at any time. This can pose huge practical difficulties in freeze bank accounts and livestock management.

All farming businesses should consider:

  1. how to reduce tax liability;
  2. how to manage business debts;
  3. ease of operation of the business;
  4. flexibility if business objectives or members are changed;
  5. who takes control responsibilities;
  6. reduce costs;
  7. planning for the future; a
  8. The best interests of all parties involved in the business.

Rural Divorce

Dealing with divorce in the farming context is different from dealing with other spouses. There is a wide range of issues that are unique to divorce in an agricultural family. Often the assets have been inherited from the previous generations by either spouse, and there are tax implications, and an impact on the business that may be separate from the separation.

In JCP Rural Practice, our expert family lawyers understand the implications of divorce on farming, and are best placed to deal with these difficult situations. We also help to prepare prehistoric agreements, which can be useful when a breakdown of a marriage, in influencing a Court about how the assets should be divided. Pre-bovine agreements are particularly useful in the farming context when many people receive income from the family farm, and when the results of a breakdown marriage extend beyond the relationship with the close family.

Your business is a family home

Most farmers live on the main farm they farm. 

This is often necessary for most livestock farmers to ensure that they are not far from the animals they care for. Farming, after all, is a full-time job in the true sense of the word. It can be difficult to provide a home for everyone who needs to live close to the farm on the holding itself. The advent of Tan 6 could mean that some farmers will be easier to obtain planning permission on their holding.

Family Relationship Breaks

Disputes between family members can cause additional difficulties if they are also in business with each other. Planning for such possibilities can help if this happens.

If you are already in the midst of a dispute, our solicitors can help co-ordinate family members to resolve it. This could include mediation using a qualified mediator.

  • Matthew Owen
      • 01792 529 683
      • View profile
  • Arwel Davies
      • 01348 871 013
      • View profile
  • Meinir Davies
      • 01792 529 666
      • View profile
  • Betsan Powell
      • 01792 529 644
      • View profile
  • Elinor Laidlaw
      • 01792 529 698
      • View profile
  • Ian Rees
      • Ian Rees
      • Cyfarwyddwr a Phennaeth Anaf Personol
      • 01792 529 641
      • View profile
  • Georgia Davies
      • 01792 773 773
      • View profile
  • Naomi Headley
      • 01792 5529 667
      • View profile
  • Rhian Jervis
      • 01792 525 422
      • View profile
  • Rhian Jones
      • 01437 771 160
      • View profile
  • Sharon Jones
      • 01267 248 890
      • View profile
  • Angela Killa
      • 01267 248893
      • View profile
  • Delyth Morris
      • 01267 266 941
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  • Eleri Roebuck
      • 01267 248 984
      • View profile